Thursday, September 3, 2009

Activity of Budget Year 2007

In The Year Budget 2007 Area Binamarga get the fund allocation equal to Rp 28.566.139.200 ( Twenty eight billion five hundreds six puluh six million one hundred three puluh nine thousands two hundreds rupiah). The budget used for the fund of 30 activity. activity – the activity to support the make-up of economics and transportation of Sub-Province Purbalingga.

Activity of Budget Year 2007 the divided to become 3 category that is:

1. Activity of Baru/Murni of Budget Year 2007
a. Routine Conservancy Walke and Bridge with volume :
• Walke as long as = 100 km
• Bridge counted = 40
b. Periodic Conservancy Walke with the volume= 10,500 km / 3 activity Package
c. Make-Up of Road;Street with the volume= 50,070 km / 20 activity Package
d. Bridge Development ( 3 x 5,00 ) m ( 35 x 1,75 ) m ( 30 x 4,00 ) m and ( 11 x 4,60 ) m = 4
e. Bridge Enlargement ( 5 x 4,00 ) m
2. Continuation activity / slide of Budget Year 2007
a. Periodic Conservancy Walke the pasca PHO [of] counted = 17 activity Package / joint streets
b. Make-Up of Road;Street of pasca PHO [of] counted = 35 activity Package / joint streets
c. Development of Bridge of pasca PHO [of] counted = 1
d. Enlargement of Bridge of pasca PHO [of] counted = 2
3. Activity of Penanggulangan of damage of pasca natural disaster:
a. Slide Repair Walke counted = 1 activity Package / 1 joint streets

From three activity category hence in the year 2007 can be finished as long as 60,77 kilometre joint streets executed with the Conservancy Activity / make-up of Street. Internode as long as 60,77 kilometre push the condition of joint streets by the end of Year 2007 becoming to have condition “ GOOD”. while for the activity of Development / Bridge enlargement woke up 5 bridge totally bridge length as long as 84,00 metre. Like previous year ( Budget Year 2006) in the year Budget 2007 also prioritize the activity location which not yet been touched a handling walke.

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