Thursday, September 3, 2009

Renovate To Barricade the Slinga Rp 4 M for the Iiberation of farm.

Utilize the farm Iiberation hit [by] a project renovate to Barricade the Slinga yanga [of] [in] District Kaligondang, Governmental [of] Sub-Province Purbalingga provide the fund [of] equal to Rp 4 milliard. While for the development of barricade and kontruksi will go down the fund center for the price of Rp 19,8 milliard.
Kabid Irrigating On Duty Public Work ( DPU) Purbalingga Adi Saptono, Friday ( 24 / 7), telling, ireview desain in this time [is] being improve;repaired [in] storey;level center the. end of June of Review desain assumed to [by] finish. And central government have prepared the fund Rp 4 milliard for the Iiberation of farm. Including fund Rp 19,8 milliard to barricade and kontruksi.
" But that way there [is] two letter which need immediately to equip to the fund melt, namely SK Regent [of] about Stipulating of Location of Land;Ground and SK Regent [of] about Committee of Land;Ground Iiberation," he said.
If/When two the SK there [are], hence fund center for the Iiberation of farm immediately melt, including for the construction of. and Pembangunanya will be [done/conducted] in budget multiyears.
Explained, farm to be freed to reach 6 hectare and current of channel supply will the Prohibition order I and Prohibition order II. If/When [both/ second] the channel have been emited a stream of [by] the water, hence luasan farm emited a stream of to [by] Barricade the Slinga reach 10.000 hectare.
Review DED
[For a] while Kabid of Regional and Prasarana Physical [of] Body of Planning of Area Development ( Bappeda) Purbalingga Siswanto say the, repair Barricade the Slinga eat the big enough fund and if using fund steming from APBD fall short. So that pemkab wish the expense of that barrage repair [is] direct fund [of] central government.
" Till in this time preparation phase which underway [is] workmanship of review Detail Engeneering Design ( DED). Special [of] this workmanship review DED [is] estimated to require the time [of] [about/around] six-month. Expected [by] [of] month;moon of ready made October review DED," he/she said.
By operating [it] Barricade the the Slinga at least six countryside masingmasing, Countryside Slinga, Kaligondang, Penaruban, Brecek, Kembaran Wetan and Kalikajar will get the pasokan irrigate especially [at] dry season.

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