Thursday, September 3, 2009

Completing Physical of Market Segamas, Pemkab of Allocation Rp 2,4 Milliard.

Pemkab Purbalingga return the allocation of budget Rp 2,4 milliard for the completion of Trilateral market physical building [of] Gold ( Segamas). that Budget Allocation [is] proposed [by] paa ABPD Change 2009. Kabag of Development of Setda Purbalingga, Drs Suroto, M.Si say that thing, Friday ( 17 / 7
“ That fund [is] required for the levying of electrics generator [of] along with installation and its house. And also develop;build the awning ( atap) for the plasa of used [by] merchant lesehan, development of pipe PDAM, and develop;build the fence BRC for the garden of in market in order not to be used to trade,” say the Suroto
Electrics Generator [of] along with network and its room [is] felt to insist on because that market [is] berencana will be opened [at] early morning till night. Because pasokan electrics from PLN cannot be pledged
“ In this time kan still crisis of listrik.Supaya aktifitas transaction [in] market Segamas [do] not disturb the, pemkab will provide the electrics generator,” say the Suroto
that additional Fund Allocation [is] also used to develop;build the network of pipe PDAM. In this time, merchant [in] market Segamas often complain because there is no [his/its] [is] pasokan irrigate from PDAM
“ Pemkab also berencana develop;build the awning for the plasa of used [by] merchant lesehan,” he said
Told [by] Suroto, letika still trade [in] old market, merchant lesehan (it) is true heat habit. But [party/ side] [of] pemkab feel [do] not have the heart to let the them return the panas-panasan in place [is] new
Than budget of that Rp 2,4 milliard also, will be woke up [by] fence BRC for the melindungai of garden residing in in market complex. hedgedly, merchant [do] not enter the garden and trade on the ground
Market Segamas woke up with the allocation of budget Rp 29 milliard from APBD 2009. Passing process auction, that budget decrease till remain the Rp 21 milliard. Till construction finish the March 2009 then, not yet included the generator levying, competent pipe PDAM network, awning for the plasa of and fence the garden
According to Suroto, that idea (it) is true emerge after physical building finish. Various insuffiency seen, like merchant lesehan which heat, lack of natural illumination effect of existence of kiosk in kiosk, and network of pipe PDAM which is not adequate
“ In fact requirement there [is] still be other. Like fan. Because even market roof have been made high, in the reality still felt [by] heat [of] because sirkulasi less good. From other side the fence circle the market and ossification of areal loading and unloading. But that not yet been budgeted [by] because fund limitation,” say Suroto.

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