Thursday, September 3, 2009


In Rt.08 Rw 03 Countryside cilapar,Banyumas , Middle Java there [is] a bridge which almost roboh.tiang prop which merely [is] made the than bamboo have [at] that lapuk.sehingga bridge situation [is] very gristle and mengewatirkan.padahal bridge representing band penetrate to countryside Kaligondang
Representing very alternative band [of] penting.disamping penetrate to countryside Kaligondang also can penetrate to Countryside Brecek
in fact per annum this bridge [is] always made newly . but because materials used merely from bar of that tree bambu.maka bridge cannot stay the lama.belum [of] if season banjir.jembatan that made simply [is] easily sweeped [by] this current banjir.dan situation every year [is] surely happened. [All] citizen tire of for the bergotong of royong to make the jembatan.namun [of] because its[his] important [is] that band hence will do not want to have to develop;build that bridge although are there [his/its] important become can to walke . although nyebrangnya at the same time holding onto the important is to nyebrang gitu deh .

really a[n view which Middle memprihatinkan.sementara [is] building which always governmental digembor gemborkan . in the middle of relief fund [of] government which its amount hundreds of juta.yang he/she said for the development of jalan,untuk of development jembatan.ternyata hitherto ndak [of] there [is] bukti.jembatan diRt 08 there is no change of tetep still its memperihatinkan.ini citizen [is] stupid or its government [is] which denied the its janji.ataukah money merely promise the jani [of] or entering kocek [of] [all] penggila duit.tolong [of] Mr. father pejabat,pegawai,atau package the Regent [of] Mr. Lurah.Tolong wake up the bridge representing band of[is necessary for all this warga.karena band also as band penetrate to town Purbalingga. Become this bridge [is] correct correct of vital importance
To masarakat specially Countryside of Cilapar,Desa penolih,Dan of countryside of countryside of sekitarnya.semua citizen surely will greet the goodness an offer for peace [all] officer pemerintah..masarakat [do] not wish only promise of janji,tapi evidence which nyata.yang kongkrit.masarakat ndak will be lied [by] the terus.ndak love will promise the janjiterus.
[All] good officer of slalu of attitude of sigh masarakat. This [is] blognya of child cilapar wishing progress to DESANYA.JIKA [of] there [is] my mistake apologize which is equal to level of

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